Monday, July 7, 2014

Almost all the pioneers in any industry are having a branch in India. Earning is so easy now days. We can earn in lakhs and lakhs by taking a position in any of these MNC. 
multi national company logo
Multi Nation Companies
Globalization has changed not only our work profile but also many things. We can buy Australian apples and oranges here. We know how to make Italian coffee. Young India knows what should be the future scope for engineering in world market. But don’t know who is producing the rice for us; don’t know what our farmers are eating; don’t know banned chemical fertilizers are still using in India and don’t know these are the reasons for our costly diseases!

We know majority of Indians are directly and indirectly depend on agriculture as their primary source of income, but we don't know  at least one farmer commits suicide every hour in India! India is a land of contradiction but 13,754 farmers’ suicide in a year should certainly shocking news to everyone. 

Knowing all these things, what should one think if a group of youngsters resigned their jobs from an international organization and started a business? Especially when they start an agriculture business? And that too as a social enterprises?!?
Yes! We decided to start a social enterprise, which should mainly focus on women empowerment through agri and its related businesses!

Why agri?
We may have number of options to earn money; but agri is the only industry which gives food to the whole world! But we are not seeing this as a business. We are seeing this as a way to feed the society! Moreover, 42.95% of the rural female working population is involved as agricultural labour. So getting into agriculture is the short cut to work for the rural women. You may ask why we should work for rural women. The answer is because this is a social enterprise!


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